Sin Min Secondary School

SMJK Sin Min (新民国民型中学) (Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Sin Min) is a government Chinese school which is located at Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia. The school won the Anugerah Sekolah Harapan Negara in the "Secondary Schools (City)" category of the whole Malaysia in 2006 and the Anugerah Sekolah Cemerlang in 2007.In 2009 the school was awarded the status of Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan (Cluster School Of Excellence). Not only famous in Sungai Petani, SMJK Sin Min is well-known nationwide too.

Mdm.Wong Seok Ee is currently the principal of this school.


School Vision

Menjadikan SMJK Sin Min sebuah sekolah berprestasi tinggi dan bertaraf dunia menjelang tahun 2016. (Literal translation: To make Sin Min Secondary School a High Performance School of world standard by the year of 2016.)

School Mission

Melahirkan murid yang seimbang dari segi intelek, rohani, jasmani, dan emosi selaras dengan FPK; berkemampuan mencapai kecemerlangan di bidang akedemik dan kokurikulum setanding dengan murid-murid yang bertaraf antarabangsa.

Melahirkan guru dan staf sokongan yang bertaraf antarabangsa.

SmartCard SMJK Sin Min

SMJK Sin Min is famed for the SmartCard Program which was introduced by ex-principal - Mr. Tee Pak Leong since October, 2002. Having functions similar to the Touch 'n Go Card, it comes in handy by decreasing the rate of cases such as money-loss or threats from strangers.

"We have 61 classrooms and form teachers now need not manually check students' attendance as all details are already stored in the SmartCard electronic system." -P.L. Tee

The software for the SmartCard was designed by a former student, Mr. Lau Boon Thong while the attendance section was added by the school's ex-senior assistant, Mr. Choo Kim Eng. The SmartCard also serves as a prepaid card allowing students to top-up money in the card in quanta of RM1, RM5, RM10 and above. Everyone in the school owns a SmartCard - not only students but even teachers and support staffs.

A student-SmartCard contains information such as the student's biodata, photograph, admission number and other personal details such as examination marks and disciplinary points as well as participation in co-curricular activities. However, it benefits in many other ways too:

  1. As a name tag of the user.
  2. Cashless, hassle-less transaction in purchasing foods and stationery in school.
  3. Taking attendance.
  4. Borrowing books from the library using SmartCard.
  5. Records of user saved in SmartCard.

Initially using a simple bar-code system, the school switched to chip-system SmartCards in 2008.


1) Societies:
-Malay Language Society
-English Language Society
-Chinese Language Society
-Mathematics Society
-Science Society
-Computer Society
-Life Skills Society
-History Society
-Consumer Society
-Anti-Crime Society
-Rukun Negara Society
-Buddhist Society
-Counseling Society
-Arts Society
-Environment Beautification Society
-Choir and Dancing Art Society
-Form 6 Society
-Chinese Traditional and Drama Society
-Moral Education Society
-Nature Awareness Society

2) Uniformed-bodies:
-Chinese Orchestra
-St. John Ambulance Malaysia
-Girl Guides
-Police Cadet
-Firefighter and Rescue Rangers
-Sea Scouts
-Teenager Cadet
-Chinese Orchestra

3) Clubs:
-Basketball Club
-Handball Club
-Volleyball Club
-Ping Pong Club
-Chess Club
-Badminton Club
-Football Club
-Netball Club
-Softball Club

Major achievements





Official website

SMJK Sin Min Official Website
